Check out these updates about camp!
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FUGE Camps 2025

Hey, .

Happy New Year! We hope and pray your year is off to a great start! We are preparing to host our Leadership Weekend in a few days, working on production elements, receiving supplies and equipment in the warehouse, hiring staffers, and a host of other tasks to get ready for camp. Now that January is here, we are full speed ahead for our ramp to camp!

Below are some important updates for you! Please be sure to read through this email to the end. If you need to speak to a customer service rep about your registration, call 1-877-CAMP123. If you have general questions, email us at


  • February 8, 2025 - You are required to pay a $75 non-refundable deposit per person to hold your reservation. Any new or additional reservations made after February 8 will require an immediate non-refundable $75 deposit per person. ALL deposits are non-refundable and cannot be applied toward balance due.

  • May 1, 2025 - An additional $75 late cancellation fee will be incurred for each decreased person after May 1. When you decrease your registration, previous deposit payments made cannot be applied or transferred toward final balance due.

  • 14 Days Prior to Camp - Final balance must be received by this time. You are responsible to pay based on your registration numbers as of this time, so be sure to update your numbers before this 14 day cut off.

You have 3 options to pay your deposits and secure your spots for camp:
  • Use your online payment link and pay by credit card
  • Use your Lifeway account
  • Mail a check to our office (postmarked by 2/8)

If you are paying by check, make checks payable to FUGE Camps and attach the bottom portion of your most recent camp statement.

     Mail to:
     FUGE Camps
     200 Powell Place
     Suite 100
     Brentwood, TN, 37027

We’ve made it super easy to adjust your camp numbers before February 8! Use the link below if you need to decrease your number of participants, or if you need to request to increase your number of participants. If you are set on your current number, no action is needed.

Registration Confirmation Survey

We will send you an updated statement reflecting your changes once they have been processed.

If you have a problem making this due date, please email or call 615-251-3902.

You can now view all of your camp registration details in one easy view, showing you everything from contact information, your current registration number, and important dates (such as deposit and balance deadlines). Introducing the new Camp Information Landing Page, found on our Participant List Management Platform!

Using the buttons at the bottom of the landing page, you can easily navigate to the Group Leader Prep Center, request an emailed camp statement, and/or even make payments from this page. You can also email us to request changes to your camp information by using the EMAIL US button found at the bottom of the page.

You can access your landing page here.

*Pro-tip: Bookmark this link now for easy access throughout your camp prep season.

Just like last year’s Participant List, you will need to enter your Registration ID and the email associated with your registration to access your unique landing page. See below.

Parents will need your Registration ID to complete their child’s Camp Waiver so please make note of it.
FUGE Camps requires 1 adult sponsor for every 5 students (gender specific) attending camp. To serve as an adult sponsor, a person must be 1 year out of high school.

Adult sponsor responsibilities include:
-Secure a clear background check and complete Child Protection training.
-Supervise students during unprogrammed times (meals, hang time, when in housing areas).
-Make sure students are in their room at curfew and in bed at lights out each evening and up and ready each morning.
-Ensure students know and follow all camp rules.
-Set the example in behavior and dress.
-Monitor the dress code to make sure students are following it.
-Invest in students by building relationships with them, talking and praying with them.
-Provide spiritual guidance, as needed.
-Take sick or injured students to a walk-in clinic or emergency room, as needed.
-Run errands off campus, as needed.
-(MFUGE only) Participate in ministry site work and drive your church vehicle to site, as needed.
The first two tabs of the Group Leader Prep Center are open and available-Camp Promotion and Camp Policies-at

The third tab, Forms+ Checklists, will be available by the end of January. The camp waiver will be available mid-February.

The Parent Pack has been updated. Point your parents to our Parents page for general information about camp and to the Parent Pack for such information as a sample camp schedule, what to pack, camp rules, and a Bible study overview.

Click here to access the Parents page.
Do you have junior and senior students in your youth group who would make great staffers some day? If so, encourage them to participate in our Student Leader Apprentice (SLA) program this summer.

For more details, click here. Applications are due January 31, 2025.
FUGE Camps
200 Powell Place, Suite 100
Brentwood, TN 37027-7707
United States

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